Heritage Pool and Racquet Club

Concord, Massachusetts

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  • Club Appreciation Day - Work Party

Club Appreciation Day - Work Party

  • November 10, 2019
  • 1:00 PM
  • Heritage Platform Tennis Club

Court Clean-Up   We have scheduled two Club Appreciation Day

Sunday November 10th.

 9/21.      Families with last names:        A-R

 11/10     Families with last names:        S-Z

 All member families are asked to send (at least) one representative to help get the courts and hut ready for the season. Please note there will be a $20 fee if no family member participates. Please help us get the courts, hut and surrounding area in great shape by sweeping courts, weeding the perimeter of the courts, branch trimming on surrounding trees, scrubbing and painting boards, light bulb changes, wind screen repairs, and hut cleaning and setup.  Please bring rakes, brooms, limb cutters, gloves, leaf blower, etc. This will also be a great opportunity to meet other members, sign-up for clinics, learn more about league play and other programs. When finished...stay and play! We’ll have refreshments for all.

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